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About Us

Zealnetwork is the no. 1 tutorial website in the world wide web. Consequently, this blog is designed to assist students in university and secondary schools, public servants and civil servants, irrespective of their discipline. The blog may also help be useful to anyone desiring to understand the operations of computer system.

Do you know how to search information on the internet ? Have you tried to obtain specific information from the internet, with out success ? This blog provide simplified strategies to help you success in all your internet searches.

How will you know that your computer has contacted virus? Do you know how to protect the system from virus infections this blog discusses practical issues related to computer viruses, in a way that you apply them.

Other topics extensively covered in this blog include tutorials in: Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Corel draw and introductory concepts.



Charles Archibong B. is a computer science student of  Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH), Proficient in graphics designer, Cinematographer, Web Development, ProgrammerVideo Editor,  CISCO networker and also a blogger with several years of teaching and research experience in computer science in several learning aspect.

He obtained his diploma in Information Communication Technology (ICT) in 2015. He is blogging today due to his passion and devotion in tutoring in computer science.


Umoh God'spower is an ICT Experts who has obtained his degree in Diploma in Desktop Publishing 
and also Computer Engineering. He his Dexterous in graphics design, Word processing, creating presentations and preforming calculations in spreadsheet.

Being certified in this area, He has pick interest in blogging in-order to certified the interest of others who are yet to be endorse and substantiate in BLOGGING. 

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