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How To Add Disqus Comments System To Blogger

How To Add Disqus On Blogger – Disqus Comment Guide

Disqus comment platform is getting more and more popular day by day. Even this blog is using Disqus commennts system.  Today’s post will let you learn how to add Disqus on blogger. I will also show how to add Disqus automatically and manually. How to import your existing blogger comment into Disqus and how you can remove Disqus comment platform completely from your blogger blog.

The default blogger comment platform is good. But if we compare it with Disqus, we will see there is a big difference. Disqus comment platform has much more features than blogger. Disqus has a better comment management system. This is also very user-friendly. That’s why many iconic blogs are using this comment platform. The best thing is, you can import your existing blogger comments into Disqus within few clicks.

Features Of Disqus:
  • Commenters can attach images and videos.
  • Commenters can use a custom avatar.
  • Comment sharing is available.
  • Guest comment or comment through open ID is allowed.
  • Email notification and comment subscription is available.
  • A user can vote or flag comments.
  • Powerful moderation tools, spam filtering, whitelists, and blacklists opportunity.
  • Increase exposure or make money by enabling the related post.

How To Add Disqus On Blogger?

Step 1: First of all go to the Disqus signup page. You can sign up through your social media profile (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus). There is another option to signup using an email address. I recommend signup using email. So fill up the boxes with username, email, and password. Now click on the signup button. In the next step, Disqus will ask to choose the type of your account. Click on “I want to install Disqus on my site”.

Step 2: Here you will be asked to provide your website name and category.  Website name will create your unique Disqus permalink as: “yourblogname.disqus.com”. You can also customize your URL by clicking on the “Customize Your URL” link to custimize your own Disqus Shortname. Choose a category for your Disqus account and click on the “Create Site” button.

Step 3: Now Disqus will ask about your website’s platform. Most popular blogging platforms will be shown to you. You have to choose (Click on) “Blogger” or any platform you want to install Disqus into, in this case we are using as shown below.

Step 4: Here you will see three options. We will go with the first option to add Disqus with blogger. So click on the first option as shown below:
You will be redirected to the blogger widget page. From here you can select your blog from the drop-down (if you have more than one blog in your blogger account) to add Disqus. After selecting your blogger blog, Click on the “Add Widget” button.
Step 5: I think you are redirected to your blogger “Layout” section and you are watching the Disqus widget is added here. Everything is fine. You should see the Disqus comment platform right below your blog post. Disqus will ask you to verify your email address, so do it.

Note: You have successfully added the Disqus comment platform to your blogger blog. But your existing comments are disappeared. To bring them back, you have to import your existing comment into Disqus.

Import Existing Blogger Comment Into Disqus:

To import existing blogger comments into Disqus, you have to go back to the Disqus admin page and go for the second option. Click on the “Discussions > Import” link as shown below:

You will see two options. Click on the first one which says “Import comments from blogger”.  A new popup window will open.

Click on the allow button. If you have multiple blogs in your blogger account, you have to select the one you have added Disqus recently.

That’s it. Disqus syncing is enabled and within 24 hours, you will see your existing blogger comments into Disqus comment platform right after your posts.

How To Add Disqus On Blogger Mobile Template?

We all know that blogger has a different mobile template. If you are using blogger’s default mobile template for your blog, then you have to edit the Disqus widget code. Otherwise, the mobile version of your blog will not load Disqus comment platform.
To enable disqus for the default blogger mobile template, go to the Template > Edit HTML. Now find the disqus widget code which will look like:
<b:widget id='HTML#' locked='false' title='Disqus for #' type='HTML' visible='true'>… </b:widget>
Simply add mobile=’yes’ right after locked=’false’. Your final code will look like:
<b:widget id='HTML#' locked='false' mobile='yes'  title='Disqus for #' type='HTML' visible='true'>… </b:widget>
Now click on the “Save Template” button. Visit your blog with mobile and you will see disqus is enabled now.

How To Remove Disqus From Blogger?

In case you are not comfortable with Disqus comment platform or you have decided to remove Disqus from your blogger blog for any purpose, then this guide will help you to do that. This is a very easy process. You can do it within few clicks.
  • Go to the Blog’s “Layout” section and remove the Disqus widget.
  • Click on the “Save arrangement” button. That’s it. Disqus is removed from your blogger blog completely.

If you have any problem concerning integrating Disqus into your blogger blog or any other platform, do well to leave a comment below and we will reply as soon as possible.

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