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Guide On How To Create A Definite Logo In GRAPHICS DESIGN

Brainstorm Ideas and Getting Started

Creating a GRAPHICS DESIGN base logo for your business can feel overwhelming. This first impression is supposed to communicate your business’s purpose, expertise, and mission.
How can an image convey everything you want in a 3x3 inch design?
What exactly makes certain logos stand out among the rest?
The best way to tackle your logo is to break it down into more manageable steps.

     1. Keep Your Story In Mind:

What do you want everyone to know most about your business? That you’re trustworthy? That you’re professional? Maybe that you are a ton of fun to work with! It’s important to think about what is most important to convey because believe it or not, people will have preconceived notions about your business based on your logo. Think of it as a first impression. Here’s a good logo to examine:
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Take a second and reflect - What did you think when you saw this logo?

It conveys professionalism and innovation. It is effective and timeless. Its simplicity will allow it to be used effortlessly across various mediums. These are all benefits to this logo – let’s keep these in mind as we examine the elements of a memorable logo.
     2. Audience:
Remember to consider not only what your business provides, but your audience as well. You could be a non-profit that helps children, but your audience wouldn’t be children. Your audience would be adults who have an interest in the well being of children. So be sure to make it appeals to adults but also clearly says, “We help children.”
How to create logo in coreldraw
The colors in this example are playful and reminiscent of children. The wrapping arm clearly shows someone with more stability offering support and balance. Finally, the clear font expresses professionalism and trustworthiness. This would be a great logo for a non-profit whose mission is helping children but whose audience are adults interested in children.
Who is your audience? Be sure to keep this separate from those you serve or who your clients are – they might be the same or they might be two completely different groups of people.
     3. Shape:
Did you realize that there are actually psychological influences behind different shapes and what they communicate to the mind? This can be a powerful tool in choosing a shape for your logo.
Here’s the quick guide to shapes and what they communicate subconsciously:
  • Circles and Ovals: Security & Balance
  • Ellipse: Modernization & Innovation
  • Interlocking Circles: Community & Cooperation
  • Triangles: Strength & Stability
  • Squares and Rectangles: Professionalism & Capability
  • Horizontal Lines: Harmony & Equity
    How to create logo in coreldraw
     4. Colors
Colors really matters in GRAPHICS DESIGN Similar to shapes, colors also subconsciously communicate and unspoken message to your audience. Check out the list of colors below and pick some that are congruent with the message you want your logo to convey.
  • Red: Passion, love, excitement, warmth, anger
  • Orange: Energy, change, success, transformation
  • Yellow: Happiness, optimism, hunger, cheer
  • Green: Money, nature, growth, envy
  • Blue: Harmony, focus, loyalty, honesty
  • Purple: Royalty, wealth, wisdom, spirituality
    How to create logo in coreldraw
     5. Choose Your Fonts Carefully:

You will want to choose a timeless font, but you also want to stand out from the crowd – consider a custom font. Coca-Cola’s logo is a perfect example of this – it is simply their brand name in a custom font. Now anytime someone uses those characteristic “C’s” the viewer immediately thinks, ”Coca-Cola.”
How to create logo in coreldraw
     6. Symmetry & Movements:
Consider the shape of your logo and how you want the eye of the viewer to move across the design. More symmetrical or balanced logos convey stability and trustworthiness. Logos that have curves or are weighted to pull the eye a particular direction imply energy and innovation.
     7. Simplicity:
Keep your logo simple. Over complicating design can lead to confusion and negatively affect the other elements discussed. For example, a complex logo is likely less versatile and more likely to go out of style – this is a good rule of thumb but not a rule. It can be tempting to chase after flowery fonts and elaborate designs, but examining some of the most famous logos today, we can see that simplicity outshines the rest.
Google Chrome, Apple, FedEx, and McDonald's are some of the most recognizable logos today and yet they are all incredibly simple.
How to create logo in coreldraw
Thank you for reading this article till the end, I hope you have been endorse on how to create a GRAPHICS DESIGN base logo.

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