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How to ScreenShot With Your Personal Computer

screenshot (or screen grab) is a digital image of what should be visible on a monitortelevision, or other visual output device. A common screenshot is created by the operating system or software running on the device. A screenshot or screen capture may also be created by taking a photo of the screen. (from wikipedia)

Taking a screenshot in a system is very relevant in the case of keeping record of an event or relevant item.

In this article I will show you two method you can used to take live screenshot with your Personal Computer.

In this tutorial Microsoft Windows 8.1 was used for better understanding.


The snipping tool is a default Microsoft software that enable a computer user to capture the active screen of his/her Personal Computer.

Step One---> Go to your search bar in any Microsoft Version of Operating System you are using and search for the keyword SNIPPING TOOL. When the software is found from the search bar click on it to OPEN the software. (See Screenshot Below)
How to ScreenShot With Your Personal Computer

Step Two---> When the software finish opening, click NEW to get a fresh capture. After click NEW, you mouse pointer will change to a cross sign, place it and draw through the area you want to capture as picture. (See Screenshot Below)
How to ScreenShot With Your Personal Computer

NOTE: Before clicking the NEW button, you can check for the small arrow (downward direction) beside the NEW button to get the best type of selector that best suit your desire.

That is all for the first method.


The Printscreen key is always found in the first row of most  QWERTY keyboard, usually abbreviated as Prnt Scrn.

This method is very simple as compare to any other method available to captive live preview of your Personal Computer (PC).

All you have to do is press and hold the Print Screen Key (4 seconds recommended). Now this is what happen, the Screen Capture is been copy to clipboard.

So, to get it all you have to do is, Go to your search bar and search with the keyword PAINT (Paint is also a default Microsoft Software for Image Designer and Drawing) Open the Software, the default work space is white. Just paste the item there (Ctrl + V to do this easily).

How to ScreenShot With Your Personal Computer

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Warm Regards.

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