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How to Convert PDF to DOC


This is article is to help you convert PDF to editable format like word, excel and powerpoint etc, combining files to pdf, editing a PDF file and also creating a PDF file.  Over the years Portable Document Format (PDF) file as been un-editable but due to the development of softwares and websites, this can be done very easily  without the used of adobe reader premium version which is very costly in the online market. 

SEE ALSO: How to convert webpage to PDF

In this tutorial we are using Wondershare PDFelement 6 Professional click here to download. Email us at support@zealnetworks.com.ng to get the Cracker for this software.


After the successful download and installation of this software used to Edit, Combine, Convert and Create PDF file, open the software and follow the steps below to get your job done.

Step 1:  On the start or home screen, click on CONVERT and a dialog box will pop-up for you to browse the desired file, click on the PDF file to be converted and click open.

Step 2: When you open the file a dialog box will open for you to save the file with your desire file format. then Save and wait for the program to finish converting the file and click FINISH. (see screenshot below)

That is all for converting PDF to any other file format


On the Home Screen of the Software (Wondershare PDFelement) CLICK ON EDIT for a dialog box to open for you to select the desired PDF file for editing. When the Edit page finally open, your are free to start your editing (make changes in the document like font style, font size, replacing image etc) and save when your are done.


Combining a PDF involves selecting different files to form a single PDF file. Below is the step to do this.

Still on the HOMESCREEN of the software (Wondershare PDFelement) CLICK IN COMBINE.

A dialog box will open for you to drag and drop the files or browse through it to get your desired files to be combine see screenshot below. 

After getting the files to be combine to form a single PDF file, Click  NEXT for the files to start combining, when the process is done the combined file will auto-open for preview and SAVE to the OUTPUT folder.

NOTE: Click on ADD FILES... to add your files and click on BROWSE to Choose the Output Folder of the Combined PDF file.

That's All you need to know about converting, editing and combine of PDF, do well to explore as we did to get you this tutorials. Do well to share to friends and family. If you have any problem or challenges with this tutorials then comment below and get a reply within 20 minutes. Thanks 

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