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Introduction to keystrokes (shortcut keys)


The Ctrl and Alt keys are oftern used in combination with other keys
to perform tasks. We often refer to these combinations keystrokes as
shortcut keys, because they provide an alternative to using the mouse
to select menu options in programs. Shortcut keys are always expressed

Key1 + key2

Where the idea is to hold down Key1, tap key2, then release Key1. For
example, to press Ctrl + Esc, hold down the Crtl key, tap the Esc key,
and then release the Ctrl key. To press Alt + F you hold down the Alt
key, tap the letter F, and then release the Alt key.


¤ Enter Key: Used in typing for new line, used to indicate that the
user has finished a selection and is ready to continue

¤ Tap key: Allows text to be lined up vertically

¤ Shift key: Used to get capita letters, used with mouse for special
selection features, and also used to obtain a second letter on a key
with double symbols

¤ Print Scrn: Captures the content of the screen into a "clipboard"
for copying purposes

¤ Spacebar: used for providing spaces during typing

Here is a list of some special charaters on a computer keyboard and
the names often associated with them.

~ tilde
! Bang, exclamation mark
@ at
# pound, hash, number sign
% percent
^ caret
& ampersand, and
* asterix, multiply
/ slash
\ backslash
| bar

Click here for shortcut key in some computer program.

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