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How To Connect Your Blog To Auto Post To Facebook Groups

Lately, a lot of bloggers in Nigeria are using Facebook groups to drive massive traffic to their blogs. They create Facebook groups, add thousands of members, then auto post to the Facebook groups from their blogs.
Auto Posting to Facebook group will save your valuable time so you can concentrate on other things after publishing new posts on your blog. Besides this, it keeps your Facebook group up to date with updates from your blogs and in return, you get traffic to the blogs.
If you’re an admin to a Facebook group, you can connect your blog and start posting to it automatically by making use of dlvr.it.
How To Get Started
>> Sign up and Sign in to www.dlvr.it
>> On the “Automate” tab, click on “Add Route”

>> Enter your blog URL or Feed URL in the box and click “Find Feeds” button.
>> Once a feed is detected, click on the “+” icon, then click “Continue”
>> Next is to add the Social network you want to be posting to. Click “Add”, select “Facebook”
>> Follow the steps till you connect to your Facebook group. Configure other settings as desired.


That’s all.
When next you publish a new post on your blog, it will be automatically posted to your Facebook Group.
I hope this helps.
You can check out the list of sites dlvr posts to here.
Do you know other ways to auto post to Facebook groups?

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