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How To Enable Any Gadget on Blogger Mobile Template

If you configure your Blogger blog to show mobile template on mobile devices, the widgets listed below are the ones that are displayed by default:
  • Header
  • Blog
  • Profile
  • PageList
  • AdSense
  • Attribution
If you want any other Blogger widget to display on the mobile view of your Blogger blog, you will have to activate a “custom” mobile template instead of using one of the default Blogger mobile templates.
In addition to that, you will have to add mobile=’yes’ attribute to the <b:widget> tag of the widget, right inside your blog’s html.
The “mobile” attribute lets you control which of the widgets on your Blogger blog will be available in mobile view. It can be ‘default‘, ‘yes‘, ‘no‘, or ‘only‘.
Now, let’s assume you have used the HTML/Javascript gadget to add an advert to your Blogger blog and you want it to display on the mobile view of your blog. Just follow me through the steps below:
IMPORTANT: First ensure you have enabled Blogger mobile template and have switched to “Custom” as explained here
==> Now, you need to get the id of the widget as highlighted below:
To get the id of the widget
===> goto LAYOUT in your blogger dashboard
===> Click EDIT on the widget you want to display in mobile version of your blog
====> On the pop-up windows, goto the ending of the URL to get the widget id as shown on the screenshot

How To Enable Any Gadget on Blogger Mobile Template

As seen above, the id of the widget is HTML12.

==> Next, is to go to “Template” > “Edit HTML
==> Click on “Jump To Widget” and click on the id of the widget you want to show on the mobile view of your blog. This will take you directly to the <b:widget> tag of the widget.
<b:widget id=’HTML12′ locked=’false’ title=” type=’HTML’>….</b:widget>
==> Click inside the tag and type mobile=’yes’
Your new code should now like like this:

<b:widget id=’HTML31′ locked=’false’  mobile=’yes’  title=” type=’HTML’>….</b:widget>  

 ===> Click on SAVE and refresh the page using a mobile phone or simply at ?m=1 at the ending of your blog link to be such below

Lets Know If this work for you  


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