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How to Determine Best Domain Name Registration for Your Blog/Website


Before Starting a business online, one of the most important features for getting the word out is the domain name of your business. Think of the domain name as the name by which your business will always be known online & offline.
Selecting the name of your domain is as important as naming your newborn baby, as for the lifetime of your business it will be known by that name. There are many rules of thumb which you can follow to find a domain name which matches your business perfectly.
Back in the day, it was hard to secure the desired domain name as most of the popular and common words on .com, .org and other top level domain names were taken.
At the time of the writing of this post (2018), we have many more options in terms of domain name extensions such as .io, .net, .guru, .mob, .co, .photo, .buzz and so on.
Depending on the type of business you have, you can choose a domain name that works best for your business. For example, you can be creative and choose a domain name such as slu.sh rather than slush.com.
However, before taking any action at all, you need to conceive the name by which you want to be known online.
When it comes to selecting domain names for a company, you need to keep your brand in mind. Your name should be the same as your brand name, but constructed as a “smart” and memorable name. If your company name is something like, Royaler Info Ltd, you can opt for Royaler.com or RoyalerTech.com or Royalerinfo.com (subject to availability, of course).
Keywords and name:
Select at least 10 keywords that are related to your niche, and 5 random popular words. You can use the GoDaddy domain name generator to help you to find names to consider if you wish.
You can also use the popular tools such as Namemesh or wordoid. This tool randomizes your given keywords, and gives you a list of all the available domain names.
Domain names:
As a new blogger, you may find it a confusing task to determine which domain name extension you should choose. You should try to grab the .com domain first, and if the .com version of your chosen name is not available, you can choose a domain name extension from the new gtLDs such as .guru, .photo, .co and many others. You can look for new domain name extensions here. Remember, however, that it is in your best interest to create a domain name using the .com extension.
Easy to remember:
Let’s go back to school. How hard it was for you to remember a name that is hard to type? For example whoossaazt! Can you remember this name and how to spell it?
Now look at my domain name registered: ZEALNETWORS — ZEAL– NETWORKS. Do you see the difference?
Think of a name which is easy to remember and easy to type. Try to avoid names which are easy to pronounce but might create confusion in spelling when you try to type them.
Copyright infringement!
Before you choose a new domain, make sure you are not violating any existing brand copyright policies. For example, WordPress doesn’t allow you to have a domain name with “WordPress” in it. If you do, get ready for an official letter. (Although they will let you use a name including “WP” instead of “WordPress”.)
Avoid hyphens!
If you are creating a niche blog and are looking to grab a keyword rich domain, it is best to stay away from domain names with hyphens in them.
Several years back it was easy to rank with a hyphenated domain name, but this is no longer the case.  If you were to look at the current ranking system, you would see clearly that it is a better idea to look for alternative domains rather than using a name that includes a hyphen.
Sometimes people suggest that you should choose your domain name according to your blog’s niche. But this is not great advice for bloggers who are looking for domain names with words like “tech” and “blog” in them, for example:
Techtip, techblog, blogger tips and so on. There are thousands of blogs and websites already on the Internet using similar names. For this reason, alone, it is a better idea to choose a name which can become part of a distinctive brand for you in the future.

Places to buy domain names:

You can buy domain names from any of these domain registrars.
Feel free to leave your own opinion regarding the process of selecting a good domain name. Any extra tips and ideas are always much appreciated.
If you find the information on Domain Name Registration in this post useful, please share it with your friends and colleagues on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

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