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Robot Meta Tag for Blogger Blog (SEO)


Robots Header Tags, Have you heard about robots in blogging? Okay, I am here now. Simply robots are informative agents to the search engines. The updates of your movement at your blog send to the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bingo etc.

So tell me how these custom robots are important to the blog. Obviously, these custom robots play a vital role in giving information about your blog to the search engines if you are do correctly set them on your blog.
These robots are part of the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which indirectly reason to increase your search optimization or decrease you search optimization. I show you below how to set custom robots headers in blogger.
How to set Custom Robots Header Tags on Google Blogger
This is very simple. You can experience the difference after setting up the custom robots header. How was your search results in past and how will be you search results in future. So shall we move to set the settings. Okay.
Step 1: Go to your blog by signing into blogger.com or blogspot.com
Step 2 : Go to SETTINGS
You have option in setting like Basic, Post and comments, email, Language and Formatting, Search Preferences and Others. You have to click on “Search Preferences” as showing below in image.

Robot Meta Tag

Step 3: After clicking on Yes on Enable custom robots header tags under Crawlers and indexing
you will get many option under Home page, Archive and search pages, Defaults for posts and Pages like all, noindex, nofolow,, none, noarchive, nosnippet, noodp, no translate, noimageindex, etc.
Custom Robots Header Tags Settings (Click on check box)
Home Page: all and noodp
Archive and Search Pages : noindex and noodp
Defaults for Posts and Pages: all and noodp
Anyway i am showing in below image

Finally, click on save changes to save the robots meta tags.
Final Words: Custom robots meta tags are most important to blogs who run their blog on google blogger platform. These are the mediators between blog and search engines. So do not neglect this article and do well to share to families and friends. You should set the tags to increase your search optimization and show your search results on the first page.

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